UORerers, This collection contains some higher-end stuff but mostly easy flippers (if there's any plate at all, just a couple and no higher than 10x) in both iron and hued ingots. The higher-end stuff is listed. Auction ends 48 hours after final bid has stood. S/B: none Iron flippers: 58 Hued flippers (mostly dull): 15 Higher End Smalls: 15x Shadow ringmail (anvil) (2) 10x Dull Copper platemail (bronze runic) 15x Dull Copper platemail (anvil) 20x Dull Copper platemail (brazier) Higher End Larges: Ringmail: 15x Shadow (copper runic) 20x Copper (hanging shield) Chainmail: 10x Agapite (gold runic) 10x Copper (bronze runic) 10n Agapite (bronze runic) (2) 20x Dull Copper (hanging shield) 20x Copper (brazier) Platemail: 15x Copper (hanging chain/ring) 15n Dull Copper (anvil) 15x Dull Copper (bronze runic) 10x Verite (*standing armor*) 20x Dull Copper (brazier) 15x Iron (anvil)
Also comes with a book of large iron stuff (e.g. weapons) that I am assuming is nearly worthless, but it's yours to either fill or toss in the garbage.