IDOC Fights

Discussion in 'Knights of Sosaria [KoS]' started by Lightshade, Jan 4, 2015.

  1. Lightshade

    Lightshade Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 12, 2013
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    Whilst on patrol east of Yew, the Knights of Sosaria encountered a beleaguered friend seeking to take refuge in a house that looked like it was in danger of collapsing. There were some more shifty-eyed individuals lurking in the shadows and 2 Vile Fiends were circling the area looking for our friend. The names they used were Neira and Sacre Bleu, but who knows what their real names are. Seeking to protect our friend, we chased them all over the Yew woods when they were foolish enough to attack. Alas, their horses were fleet of foot and our heavily armored knights horses were hard-pressed to keep the pace. Eventually, our quarry was lost, unfortunately.

    Disappointed, but safe, we re-grouped at the dilapidated house to talk about the chase. While we discussed the errors of our tactics, the fiends showed up again. This time, though, we did not chase them through the woods. We stood in a line and faced the menace head on. Using magical arts that we had recently learned, several of us summoned several small meteors that seemed to pierce the fiends magical shields that he had been using. Neira of Clan Mandevu perished immediately and Sacre Bleu ran off into the woods and was never heard from again.

    Neira's belongings were gathered up and donated to the needy of Sosaria so some good could come of their foul deeds. The lands were a bit safer and our friend was able to return to his family safe and sound. The Knights then took off to bed leaving the Bard, Montrose, to stand guard.

    Montrose bid Cyrano de Ultima, Kazam, Maleficent, Rickety Cricket, and others good night and assumed the watch.


    Unfortunately, an even larger force of fiends happened upon the watch station and poor Montrose was unable to fight 5 of them with his Vanquishing Lute. Weakened and tired from a day of toil, he realized all too late that his reagent bag did not have the requisite reagents to heal his wounds. Other bystanders came to his aid, but his wounds were too grievous. He fell against the overwhelming odds.

    Fittingly, Troubadours shall sing songs praising his Valor and the Valor of those bystanders in the Hall of Heroes.

    ~ L / S
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
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