Listing a few insane properties for sale. Get these rare beauties before they disappear again for many, many years All bids at 48/48 - reach out to me if you want to talk about a buy out or trades but gold strongly preferred. PROPERTY 1: JUSTICE KEEP COMPLEX - SB 25M SOLD Featuring: bridged tower + keep private + defensible drop pad additional front tower Very private with an amazing ocean view PROPERTY 2: SNAKES PASS KEEP - SB 20M SOLD Features: 1 keep Great for miners! PROPERTY 3 + 4: INSANE BRIDGE COMPLEX Features: 1 fort + 2 towers bridged - SB 30M keep + 1 tower bridged - SB 10M Buy them both to form one of the largest complexes in the game - low spawn! PROPERTY 5: TURTLE BAY GRASS + OCEANSIDE KEEP! 15M SB SOLD Features: 1 keep On grass Beautiful ocean view Adjacent the turtle bay dueling arena