I can't say for sure but I've PMed Telamon in IRC to let him know. Alternatively, you can try a full IRC client. Chrome has a free app for it: http://www.omgchrome.com/google-chrome-irc-client/ I use something else but it's working fine this morning. Could also try using a different browser.
I have tried a few different times and still nothing keeps saying [12:26:45] Flash policy problem. If you are the server owner, please read http://redmine.lightirc.com/projects/lightirc/wiki/Flash_Policy_setup_instructions. You need to install a flash policy daemon at eu.chat4all.org (port 843). Anyone have any ideas?
This has happened to me a number of times. All that seems to work is just to restart it a whole bunch of times, and then if the problem persists, wait 10 mins and try it again. I think mIRC is the best way to go though.
Valmour, I replied to your PM with the IRC information. irc.chat4all.org Port: 6667 Channel: #Renaissance
I had the same flash problem from the web irc client when i was at work. So i use https://client00.chat.mibbit.com/ now. and it always works.
Arnold that seemed to do it. I tried like 4 different irc D/L and none of them worked. I am using a laptop and hot spot through my phone. Thank you everyone for the tips and advice
I am using Verizon hot spot and it was not working, but fires right up once I am home. ... oh well Thanks everyone for the help anyways