Character(s) Name(s): Karadok, Anastasia, Isis, Raziel, Grudu, Hermes, Mirina, Preferred Play Style(s): PvM, PvE Gaming History: I have played uo since t2a on Osi, Chesapeake. I was young then and could not speak english, so i've been enjoying the simple aspect of the game more than anything. i played 1 year or 2 after Age of Shadow, then went on playing other kinds of game, FPS, rpg. i came back and tried few free shards in last years. played mostly on Excelsior but quickly became bored, then came to UOr and loved it, about 1 year ago. I have been stuck with a low speed internet connection for last months but now im all set with a low ping to enjoy fully this great shard. Time Zone: GMT -5, east coast. Usual Online Hours: can varie a lot, mostly in late day(for me) Other: I hope i can get to meet and play with everyone in this guild, i had other plans concerning my affiliation on UOr but recent events really made me feel like Knights of Sosaria is where i want to be. Thanks for opportunity. I have completely read the KoS Guild Rules and agree to abide by them at all times. I understand that if I fail to follow the KoS Guild Rules I may be immediately dismissed from the guild with no warning.
Welcome to the guild. Get in touch with me in-game or get one of the other guild mates to recruit you to the stone and we'll get you setup.