As we need them, we will purchase them. Before a bunch of trolls decide to critique the offered prices, we don't care what you all think these pets are worth or what a total scroll is worth. We will pay these prices: 5k Sewer rat a mad cow snow jaguar frost bear arctic wolf albino wyrm golden dragon crimson drake bloodthirsty bull flying monkey 10k hypno toad savage ostard rattlesnake jwilson king scorpian black sheep ram majestic hart 15k crocodile wild boar silverback gorilla 25k raging grizzly bear darkwolf I do apologize to anyone that believes these things are worth more than listed and I encourage you to seek out someone who will pay more. I have seen some of these animals sell for more than I listed, but with the experience we have obtaining these animals, this is what we feel the value is. We are buying as needed, so if you have something, please feel free to seek out a member of KTT so that we can meet to purchase.