Loan of WispFelt Tower

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by newme, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. newme

    newme Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2012
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    Wasn't sure where to post this...soooo

    I created Wispfelt Village with hopes of it becoming a viable part of our community Another player has given me the opportunity to accomplish this. His request was simply to use the tower for a guild event. as his guild didn't have the needed space . "Little light bulb went off in my head" this is a fun way to involve Wispfelt more with our great community.

    For all you guilds, or players, who wish to hold and organize an event, but do not have the space. I am willing to consider the use of the tower's roof, (Rune Library) in Wispfelt. I am Westra in IRC and my main character is Marjo in game. Contact me and we can discuss your ideas.


    Vlar, Lord Krake and Melochabre like this.

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