Looking to place a magic weapons vendor in a high traffic spot or buy a high traffic vendor house. Let me know what you have, please. If it’s not within 11 steps of red mushrooms, no brambles within 3x meteor shower range of the NW most roof tile, or is not more than 93 but not less than 18 steps of a bank or if it doesn’t have a single white horse spawn within 42 degrees of the sign, I’m not interested so please don’t post here if it doesn’t fit these vague requirements. But in reality, looking to place s single vendor selling magic weps or buy/rent a high traffic vendor house.
You don’t have 10 million to pay for it, why would I want to show you? You made it clear in recent posts that’s your poor and don’t have much money
You have got to be joking. If I didn’t know before the 3x meteor shower range statement you were full of shit, lol I will leave it there. Don’t ask dumbass questions unless you want a dumbass answer
Oddly enough it was legit, and I've got a vendor spot now. Also I found your vendor house and it's dogshit.