So Ive been referencing the compendium here, but as Im getting my magery into the 70s Im findijg myself asking questions the magery entry cant answer. For starters, how does the spell casting success chance really work for non-scroll casting. At GM is it 100% for everything, or can it still fizzle on 8th circle spells? Can your magery increase off of a fizzle? Im trying to figure out the formulas for my own sake and Im just missing something here(or its not there)
You can still fizzle at GM You can gain on failures There's a chart here:
So does it still follow the 2.5% chance curve then? That one table of success chances is only for scrolls.
It is hit and miss for lvl 7 and 8. I tend to believe the curve will flatten out at these levels, so the 2.5% isn't necessarily a rule all the way through. At GM magery you'll fizzle 8th lvl spells roughly 40% of the time (and 100% of the time when it is critical, of course).