Hello to all, As some of you are aware I have started a mailbox system ingame. To my suprise it has been a success and I have sold out all my mailboxes with in a day's time. Due to such response I have planned to create a more elaborate system of which to accomodate the system itself. I have raised a structure for the sole purpose of being a post office with a safe means of which to drop off mail or packages. Postage will be supplied on the merchant at the Britain Moongate known as Giselle or Darla. This is also where you can purchase your very own mailbox! This is a slow system that will take time so have patience. This is also not something you have to participate in. There will be three kinds of postage that will explain how heavy an item can be shipped. It is suggested nothing of importance is put in a mailbox and that everything reside in a locked container. Postage is only necessary if you want someone else to send what you have otherwise the mailbox is accessible to everyone to use as they wish. Suggestions or Ideas are welcome. Critcism is your own as this is one of my entertainments.
I have had a large request for a screenshot of the completed mailbox. This picture can be difficult to see however.
So I can buy some postage off one of your vendors and drop it in the mail with a trapped box. . . I mean, a package. . . and you'll deliver it for me?
Here is an update of the New Post Office. It is Southeast of the Trinsic gate just over the hill. Any letters or packages can be placed in one of the wooden chests that are locked so it is a one way only.
New mailbox design being created now. If anyone has any questions about all of this than please leave a message here. The mailboxes are cheap and it is fun for everyone in game. Several letters and packages have been sent already. I am accepting address rune stones as well. All stones are kept private to protect everyone's homestead. Find me or Jupiter in game to give us your address stones.
I am happy to announce that The Peaceful Grape is now a participant in this interesting venture. We now have a mailbox on the front steps of our main patio. As I'm loathe to disclose my private residence location, any mail that needs to be sent to me should be addressed c/o The Peaceful Grape. I like this idea, and I'd like to help in any way I can. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of, hit me up!
UPDATED: We have updated the Post Office currently it has a merchant that will sell you postage bags which include a postage stamp inside so you may place your package or letter in the Mailbox just at the steps of the Post Office. Also, witness the birth of the first Mailman! Identification: Carl Malone We are also working on a PO Box center... the small tower down there will be just that when available.
Thanks to some information provided by Atraxi we now have safe official ONE WAY mailboxes at the post office. They are the pouches that seem to be on the floor. That is where you can place your mail safely so long as it resides in a round bag! Round bags are provided on the merchant at the post office with a postage stamp! With your postage stamp include whom you want it to be sent to on the back and preferably from where.
Do you have a list of people we can mail to, and you just keep their addresses in a log book for yourself?
I think a post office branch in Stormhold might be in order. Particularly considering the town's clean doorstep ordinance. . .
the mailman has a limited amount of address right now, but we can get it out to anyone if you do not have the address it will just take time. the log book is held privately no one else can see it. "I think a post office branch in Stormhold might be in order. Particularly considering the town's clean doorstep ordinance. . ." Takes time we are still establishing our first
I'm working on something big to help in the mailing of items to certain areas of the map. This might take me a few days to do correctly so bear with me.
At Last! It is here the critically acclaimed Warrior Class mailbox Edition! On vendors now at your local merchant at Britain Moongate named Giselle. Also a side note, We have sent out an updated version of the standard mailbox edition as well you can either buy the update or the upgrade. The upgrade being specifically for those whom already have a mailbox and just want to replace the part. anddddd Postage stamps also received an upgrade on them to include an address spot i.e. a TO: and a FROM:
Welcoming in our latest update to the Post Office! Our Postal Code System courtesy of Atraxi. Find your district and let us know!