Sprouts Dragon Brown 812, 815 105 447 Kale Dragon Brown 816, 815 91 474 Peas Dragon Red 817, 821 105 441 Bean Dragon Red 797, 823 105 474 Leeks White Wyrm 736, 731 129 414 Mushroom Dragon Red 802, 825 99 456 Non Pure Mare Eggplant 12K 525, 517 99 104 Non Pure Mare Shallot 12K 522, 512 91 103 All Dragons are 10k each
I'm interested in purchasing a mare before the end of the month but prob won't be on till the weekend.
Hey hey, This interests me, but I have never owned a high level mob like these. What do the numbers ( I assume stats) mean underneath their names, and how do those stats come into play in-game? How do you raise them? Also, whats the upkeep for a dragon? You need to feed it gold? Thanks for the help!
HP affects fire breath damage, STR affects melee but I'm not sure about that, DEX speed of melee attack (dragon Dex can be trained to 100, last 5 Dex doesn't make much of a difference in my opinion). Training in general - How I do it (opinions/methods will vary) is by locking down four objects around one open tile in the middle, that cannot be walked threw in the center of your house (if your in a smaller structure training afk you will be susceptible to griefers that EQ your pets while they fight, one of them eventually killing the other, I haven't tested or looked up the tile distance EQ will hit you from, in a tower centered in the roof I still get hit with EQ). Gate in yourself and your pets on one tile and tell your pets to attack one another. Have two vet healers each heal one pet. Low skill pets or at least till the highly trained pets run very low on mana, I use a GM Vet with 60 dex that can keep up with both pets but this is not recommended. 40 and above dex = 4 second bandie timer with Vet. Training just resist and magery - Space your pets apart with objects locked down around them. Use commands to tell them to attack then wait 3-5 minutes then tell them all stop, let them sit for 3-5 minutes so they can regen mana. Repeat all guard me over and over, around 15 times in your macro which should reset their happiness to wonderfully or just feed them raw meat every macro cycle. Another method is to place and remove a stone oven instead of giving commands. Placing an oven will break their line of sight to one another so they can regen mana. All guard me 15x or so (unless you own a stubborn one) will reset their happiness. WW only will gain loyalty by giving them gold. Raw meat works for dragons, drakes, mares.... some just stable their pets which will also reset their happiness. Just lore them and feed them accordingly. If your going to pay for good stat dragons I would wait out the seven days to bond them prior to training. Hate to see you lose one because of a disconnect or griefers. In regards to peculiar meat you'll need the same number of meat as the pet takes up slot wise. I have had bonded dragons go untamed and unbonded, retamed and then feed normal raw meat which restores their bonded status BUT if you go and buy pets tamed by someone else, I have had great difficulty retaming them a second time after they went untamed with a mask of the wild (+3 taming). It would be nice to see a bonded dragon not increase in taming difficulty to the original owner that the pet was bonded to. Ball of pet summons (check stable masters to purchase) will tell you the coordniates your pets are at (so you can go try and find them using uoam) or just summons them to you as a ghost but they will lose skills every rez, this only works with bonded pets.
Krake, since you are new, I will give you two dragons to have to play with. I will be on this evening. That goes for any new tamer as well for free.