Currently I am selling marked rune books. I will not be pre making them but instead if you wish to have a set or a few select books just post below. I'll be quick and prompt making them once I see a post below and I will have them made within 24-48 hours most likely. Currently Selling: Dungeon Sets- 15k per book T-Maps: 15k per book NPC Vendor sets- 10k a piece Places: 10k for most of them. 15k for chests, if they're easier to make and I can avoid monsters/pks they'll be 10k. Order to be filled: Wise Dalavar Andersonious Dungeons: Deceit Destard Shame Hythloth Covetous Wrong Fire Ice Despise Npc's vendors: Bakeries Butchers Inns Shipwrights Stables Docks Tailors Fltechers/Bows Blacksmiths/Armorers Mage Shops Taverns Jewlers Provisioners Tinkers Carpenters Tanners Banks done except wind T Maps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Places Lvl 3 Lockpick Chests Graveyards Shrines Sigils Faction Bases Islands Cotton/Flax Fields T2A Entrances Other Hunting Spots Moongates If you want another book just send me a message or post below. If it isn't unreasonable I'll make it for you... And even if it is unreasonable as long as you pay fairly I will most likely just make it.
Yep, I've got a list written up I'll post it up on top... I'll start for you soon as I get all of Wise's done.
I would like a runebook set for all Fortress, Castle and Large Keep CYs on the server. Please PM me when you have the order ready. Much appreciated! Just kidding, but nice service and free bump!
Cool, put me down for one set of treasure map locations. Would suggest you use the Tower that is northwest of the Britain Moongate as reference, because I've used that for a while and have yet to find issue with it. But if you have your preferred source, that's fine. Thanks!
I'll compare it to mine and see if there are any missing books... and if you ever have an issue I'll always be glad to fix it for you! Also, I'll need to hold of on orders at the moment, it is going to take a bit to fill these. But, I'll post up top a list with the order I will make them. If you're okay waiting a bit though, post below. Update: Andersonious doesn't need quite as many... So I may be able to fill them sooner than I would have thought.
Haha thanks Blaise! For a second I actually thought about doing this... It would take an insane amount of books.... But it would be fun, basically IDOC hunting ;D