Markos needs YOU!! Introducing the Yew Emporium.......

Discussion in 'Trading Post' started by Markos, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Presenting, the Yew Emporium........
    (Deco in progress!)


    Ladies and Gents, with my recent acquisition of this fine real estate and my decision to come out of retirement, I am looking for a few good citizens to help me establish this location as a prime vendor spot for UOR. I have always had an interest in running a successful vendor location on this great shard but unfortunately, the time I can commit to playing UO these days is still at a minimum. Therefore, I am calling on YOU to help me get this thing done! I will run 2 or 3 vendors myself and also take on the task of managing this bad boy.....

    Vendor placement will be FREE OF CHARGE. I AM NOT going to charge you any type of rent to place a vendor here!

    The following criteria MUST be met and maintained to run a vendor here (and yes, I'm holding myself to these rules also)......

    1. Goods on vendor must be ORGANIZED. Nobody likes rummaging through a disorganized vendor!
    2. Goods must be RESTOCKED, preferably no more than 1 week should go by with an empty vendor!
    3. I know this might be a stretch, but if you wish to place a vendor here and you have a PK character, please DO NOT PK in the house!
    4. If you decide to remove your vendor, please let me know and remove it ASAP so I can get it replaced!
    5. Please make your vendor look unique, no fuddy duddy stock vendors!
    I am looking for the following goods to be stocked at this location. Also, if you have anything not listed here you would like to stock, just send me a message and we can discuss it.....

    • Scribe Goods (Scrolls, Full Spell Books, Rune Books etc.....)
    • Blacksmith Goods (GM Armor Sets, GM Weapons, GM Repair Deeds etc....)
    • Carpentry Goods (Furniture, House Add-ons etc....)
    • Resources (Ingots, Lockpicks, Leather, Empty Kegs, Blank Scrolls, Feathers, Arrows, Boards etc....)
    • Alchemy Goods (Full Kegs, Small Quantity Potion Bags etc....)
    • Poisoned Weapons
    • Bandages and Food
    • Boat Deeds
    • Spawning Rares
    • Magic Weapons/Armor
    • Barding Instruments
    • Anything else I missed.....
    Post here and/or shoot me a PM and we can get you set-up and please, serious people only!

    If your interested, here is a guide I made on running your own vendor! Read up on it to refresh your memory.

    Thank you in advance!

    The following are the types of goods that I have being sold so far........

    • Inscription
    • GM Instruments
    • GM Weapons/Armor
    • Magic Weapons/Armor
    • Carpentry
    • DP'd weapons
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2014
    Wise, LanDarr and Basoosh like this.
  2. SofaKingWetodded

    SofaKingWetodded Member

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I'll do the alchemy vendor. You'll have to give me a couple days to earn some cash for the regs.
  3. Baine

    Baine Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I'll provide the scribe vendor, if you can wait a few days that is. He is nearly GM. Let me know :)
  4. Markos

    Markos Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    Already have someone setting up a scribe vendor. I'll be updating this thread soon to show what has already been filled.

    NONAMEALLSTAR Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2014
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    I'll fill any of the vendor spots that you have remaining minus blacksmith. This change to weapons breaking while LJ sucks
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014

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