Up for Auction is the Mask of the Wilds [blessed] hue 1845 gives +3% to taming. (1 jar of fort powder has been used on it) Starting Bid: B/O: 2 million (Anarchy) (Plat valued @ 6k per) Minimum Bid Increment: 100k Auction ends 48 hrs after the last bid Thanks!
Wow, there's already 8 of these? I'll do a mil if you're interested, can be in all platinum, gold, or trade combination(s).
Rofl. I offered up to 6 mil for one of these. Go figure, the day after I quit the blood elly statue, the other net I needed, and the mask of the wilds all hit the auction forums.
6m for something that will spawn again? Sounds like you quit while you were ahead if you weren't able to waste that much money on something that will only go down in value over time.
Not a waste when you have multiple etherals, bunch of blessed runebooks, couple fortresses and fat stacks of plat and gold sitting around. I personally value a mask like this at 2 Mil for whatever my opinion is worth. Even though this one is up for sale most that get these are rarely going to sell it. Plus three skill point addition makes a difference. Looks like the tame quest has run around thirty-nine times. Almost a one in five chance of a mask drop with current numbers. The compendium says the boss has a one in ten chance so, with both bosses having the same odds the drop rate is right on target. I've been wondering if these can be dyed a different color?
Yeah, I'm definitely dying it purple if I get it and I'm even mildly tempted to go blood red. Anyway, 1.2m and that's as far as I'm going. Artex, 6m for an item 'maybe' worth 2m, is 'wasting gold' when in fact it will spawn again. If this were a unique or server birth, sure, maybe 6m because you're never going to have another chance. I'll take my chances and wait for another one or hope to get one myself in time because I have no intention of leaving the shard for any reason short of RL death. I also have multiple ethereals, blessed runebooks, server births, multi-mil rares and did I mention a valorite runic hammer? Fairly certain I have a decent idea on values.
I have a purple dye 1235 that I could use on it to make sure that they can in fact be dyed but would increase it 500k.