Hello all! I have tons of stuff for sale! Everything from armor sets to various chests, to monster statues, to deco items! Please see below for whatever suits your fancy! Prices are gold only. Thanks for looking! The items below this text are an auction: Rules for auction: 24 hours after last bid for multiple bidders and 48 hours after last bid for one bidder. Three black skulls from pirate event - 300k SB RareBoneContainer1 - 250k SB - sold RareBoneContainer2 - 250k SB - sold The items below this text are straight BO: Red amib - 65k Blue amib - 75k 7th anniversary doublet (7th anny marking only) - 500k 8th anniversary mug - 400k 8th anniversary sash (8th anny marking only) - 150k 9th anniversary beaded necklace (2) - 50k each 9th anniversary earrings - 50k Raging grizzly - 150k Cerebus statuette - 400k Suit of gold standing armor - 750k Suit of silver standing armor - 750k Misc pieces of armor - PM me for prices on individual pieces. A) Corrupted plate set - 400k B) Decaying bone set (with blessed mask of undead kin) - 650k - sold C) Pitted bone armor set - 300k D) Ranger armor of fire legs - 750k E) Ranger armor of fire gorget - 300k - sold F) Jockey's whip (2) - 60k each G) Lucky's bridle (2) - 60k each H) Rabbit's feet - 80k I) Horseshoes - 2k - sale pending J) Chess set - 60k - sale pending K) Sheet music - 50k - sale pending L) Powwow drum (3) - 50k each M) Furry dragon scale - 200k N) Fruit basket - 20k O) Lamp post (hue 1165) - 500k - sold P) Headless horseman's severed head - 50k Q) 3 empty jars - 15k sold R) 2 half full jars - 15k sold S) Empty jar (2) - 10k each sold T) Wood curls - 20k U) Full hay - 15k V) Thin hay - 15k W) Broken chair (2) - 10k each X) Hanging studded armor - 20k Y) Large pot of wax - 75k Z) Stacked arrows - 85k AA) Plate of food (3) - 5k each BB) Rock 1 - 25k CC) Small rock (2) - 20k each - sale pending DD) Garbage - 10k EE) Thin flour - 25k FF) Thick flour - 25k GG) Cut hair - 10k HH) Stack of ingots (4) - 20k each II) Dried onions (1), dried flowers (2) - 4k each JJ) Large vase - 100k KK) Spell of forbidden love - 10k LL) Whispering rose - 20k MM) Bookshelf - 600k sold NN) Ruined painting (2) - 300k each - one painting sale pending OO) Carpet dye tub (10 charges) - 120k PP) Carpet dye tub (5 charges) (7) - 60k each QQ) Rabbit pelt (hue 1419) (2) - 150k each - sale pending RR) Rabbit pelt (hue 1619) (6) - 150k each SS) Poltergeist statuette - 300k - sale pending TT) Walking dead statuette - 300k UU) Dessicated skeleton - 200k VV) Rabbit of Caerbannog - 500k WW) Lucky charms statuette - 600k XX) Ice golem (4) - 50k each YY) Mindless golem statuette - 450k ZZ) Ettin statuette - 400k AAA) Decaying skeleton - 200k BBB) Gorilla - 200k CCC) Polar bear statue (hue 1150) - 500k DDD) Prancer statue - 200k EEE) Cupid statue - 200k FFF) Snowman (8) - 100k each GGG) Gem covered stone chair (hue 1516) (3) - 90k each HHH) Holiday stone chair (hue 1165) - 175k III) Holiday stone chair (hue 1193) - 50k sold JJJ) Holiday stone chair (hue 1194) - 50k sold KKK) Holiday stone chair (hue 1151) - 75k sold LLL) Slimey stone chair (2) - 75k each Plants listed left container first and then listed left to right top to bottom MMM) Poinsettia (11) - 40k each NNN) Flowerpot - 150k OOO) Cactus (4) - 250k each PPP) Large cactus - 400k QQQ) Potted tree (2) - 200k each RRR) Flowerpot - 200k SSS) Cactus (2) - 200k each TTT) Cactus (3) - 200k each UUU) Ancient treasure chest w/o trim (hue 2413) (2) - 30k each VVV) Ancient treasure chest w/o trim (hue 2425) - 30k WWW) Ancient treasure chest w/o trim (hue 2213) (20) - 30k each XXX) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2412) (3) - 30k each - sale pending YYY) Ancient treasure chest w/o trim (hue 2424) (4) - 30k each ZZZ) A scorched treasure chest (2) - 50k each - sale pending AAAA) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2418) (9) - 30k each BBBB) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2413) (4) - 30k each CCCC) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2213) (2) - 30k each DDDD) Web covered treasure chest - 75k - sale pending EEEE) Ornate treasure chest (hue 1193) (2) - 70k each - sale pending FFFF) Ornate treasure chest (hue 1154) (3) - 70k each GGGG) Ornate treasure chest (1194) (2) - 70k each HHHH) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2207) - 30k
III) Holiday stone chair (hue 1193) - 50k JJJ) Holiday stone chair (hue 1194) - 50k KKK) Holiday stone chair (hue 1151) - 75k
OO) Carpet dye tub (10 charges) (1) - 120k each NNN) Flowerpot (1) - 150k each QQQ) Potted tree (1) - 200k each
DDDD) Web covered treasure chest - 75k (Greenish-blue one, middle, far right. ) XXX) Ancient treasure chest with trim (hue 2412) (3) - 30k each (Black w/trim, top row, second from the right. ) BO ALL