UORerers, I've divided my cloth BOD collection into three parts to appeal to various kinds of BODers and set a low buyout only on the whole lot of them as a thank you for making this auction easy on me. Auction is over 48 hours after final bid but a buyout offer will take them all and takes precedence. Plat accepted at 6k per, holidays coins accepted at 1 fishsteak per. Note: PM me, I might also the leather/bone/cloth to fill some of these if you're dry. BUYOUT: 1.8 mil Churns: S/B: 550k 20x/20n: (24) large (some pre-filled) and (79) smalls 10n/15n: (2) large (12) small Studded(all): (3) large (69) small Leather(all non-bone): (12) large (159) Bone (all non-large): 36 Prefilled large collection: (19) large BODs that have had more than half of their contents pre-filled of all kinds, many missing only 1 BOD, about half CBDs and half cloth churns. (3) small 20x pre-filled BODs. CBDs S/B:550k Footwear (15x except two): 4x boots, 4x sandals, 1 thigh boots, 1 shoes 10xs: 25 10xl: 12 15xs: 34 15xl: 6 Prefilled small 10 collection: 23 small filled BODs, all exceptional except 4. Prefilled small 15 collection: 13 small filled BODs, all exceptional except 1 normal and 1 leather. Spined Collection S/B:200k Large: bone5 20x (hanging armor), leather6 20x (special dye) Small: leather gloves 10x (hanging armor), bone helmet 10x (hanging armor), bone gloves 15x (hanging armor), studded leggings 15x (hanging armor), studded gorget 15x (hanging armor), female leather armor 15x (ore dye), studded sleeves 15x (hanging armor), leather tunic 20x (special dye), leather leggings 20x (special dye), *horned* leather sleeves 20x (special dye), leather tunic 20x (special dye), leather bustier 20x (special dye)