I recently obtained this house and I noticed as I was mining there were no forges at any houses in the pass. Since this is a really good mining location I decided to place a forge/anvil and this post. There are also free shovels(A lot of exceptional) in the pouches for miners to use so feel free to use them. I will try to keep the shovels stocked, but I may not always be able to, so if you mine here and have a tinker feel free to add some shovels. It would be greatly appreciated not only by me but by the people that use them. If you want to get friended to the house so you can log your miner in and out here hit me up on IRC.
Howdy neighbor up Snakes Pass! Very nice spot ya got there! Nice of ya to put a forge on your front porch for everyone to use. It is definitely a nice mining area and you're right there is a lack of public forges in that area. Kudos for putting a forge on your porch for everyone to use!