Monster AI

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Kochampftt, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. Kochampftt

    Kochampftt Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    So I brought this up in the IRC this morning but wanted post it in forumsto get a larger range of thoughts. Anyways, it hit over the past couple of days that the monster ai((artificial intelligence for anyone who might not know)), seems to be kinda slow at responding in comparison to the past, osi. What i mean is that it seems like the ai "forgets" about me a lot faster. Like say i attack monster, hit it two times then walk like a screen away, it seems like the monster turns to follow kinda slowly. Or if i getmonster down to runninghealth, it runs more thab a screen away, sometimesthey don't even come back. Last but not least, the ranged mobs, if i rememberright, used to move away from me, specifically, archer types ((brigands and the likes of)) they would move away AND move in circles.

    I would love to see at least the responsiveness of the ai worked on, if thats possible. Im no expert at all in scripting, so the level of toughness that would be, i cannot speak on.

    i typed this on my phone so I apologize for the grammer issues lol.
  2. Lethius

    Lethius Member

    Mar 5, 2014
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    The casters do seem to be smart enough in regards to self-healing when they get to low health. Agree, archers I noticed will remain ranged, but not step away to keep range, that seems like a better thing, but imagine if casters also did it, that would be much harder!

    For comparison, unfortunately I don't remember that well what OSI was like, too many years have gone by.

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