Ive been hearing mixed views from people regarding the most important stat for dragons and mares.. I originally thought Dex was the most important for Dragons, then Str, Hits and Int. Someone mentioned Dex wasn’t too important and focus on Str and Hits For mares I heard Dex plays a small role and Int and Str is more important? Anyone else like to shed some light? Thank you
Hits determine fire-breath damage for dragons and mares at a rate of 1 damage per 20 points of CURRENT health (not total health). The #1 most impactful stat for these tames is hits. After that is becomes more debatable but I would personally say strength before dex before int
Strength determines melee damage per hit and Dex determines melee attack rate so they go hand in hand. Intelligence is very nonimpsctful. These tames run out of mana quite quickly and basically will almost exclusively only cure or heal after they drain their mana so I don't really put too much emphasis on intelligence or mana.
http://uorforum.com/threads/the-best-of-the-beast.4952/#post-36310 Kind of depends, DEX might be more useful than STR, but it's close. There are situations where INT can be very important. For example, against boss monsters who will survive long enough for pets to exhaust their mana supply, getting an extra energy bolt off before that happens can be a critical difference between being a top damager and not being one.