I'm making a crafter right now, just started on tinkering and my macros have to timeout for 5 minutes after every time my tool breaks. They do always resume after the timeout, is there anyway around this? I've tried other's posted macros but haven't had any luck getting them to work without timing out. Thanks The macro is something like dbl click tool waitforgump make last waitforgump closegump wait 2-3 seconds
right click line of you using a "tool" this will open a hovering menue find "convert to item by type" and select it should work fine after that so long as you're restocking and/or loading your char up with enough of said tool
the issue is the wait for gump. i prefer to convert that to a flat time. alternatively, reduce the timeout by right.clicking the wait cor gump - edit timeout.
Just an fyi on current or future macros it's best to change any wait for command to 1-3 time out so you don't get stuck in a huge delay