I'll update this over time but just going to start it off with something simple. Single Trapped Pouch Retrapper: Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1150| Assistant.Macros.MacroCastSpellAction|13 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1080364094|0|0|0|3705 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1394| Assistant.Macros.LastTargetAction You will want to Re-Target the Absolute Target step to your preferred container. I use my reagent pouch. What this does: This executes the UseOnce agent, casts the spell Magic Trap, targets your pouch and adds it to the UseOnce queue. The first time you hit it, it will just trap the pouch (unless you already had it trapped). Why this is useful: Escaping from getting paralyzed (by the Paralyze spell only, stuns and fencing paralyze cannot be broken) without carrying 10 trapped pouches and forgetting to retrap them. Best for bards and PvMers, not PvP. Enjoy.
Camping: !Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3922|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|1 Assistant.Macros.TargetRelLocAction|-1|0 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3553|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 What this does: Uses your dagger on the relative location of the tile due west of your character. Then it double clicks the kindling by type to use Camping skill. Simply walk around stopping on the east side of any tree that produces and set your stats as you go along. Camping2: !Loop Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3553|True Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Really simple, just dclicks kindling over and over again with minimal delay. I use this when I'm overweight from harvesting too much kindling with the first macro.
Organ harvesting macro. Code: Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|5110|True Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|1 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|8198 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|1 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7588 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|1 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7587 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7583 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7584 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7585 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075054049|5110 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.TargetTypeAction|False|7586 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|6935|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|0|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|6929|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|0|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|6930|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|0|0 Assistant.Macros.LiftTypeAction|6882|1 Assistant.Macros.DropRelLocAction|0|0|0
Code: Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1332| Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|4|33|93|22|128|all kill This macro will save many a fellow tamers life. What it does: Clears current target, then gives the all kill command
Here are a few that I could hardly play without: Target and attack closest "grey". (can have different macros for different target types) -- Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1511| Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.0100000 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|1395| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double clicks gates. (Set on "Page-Up" and enjoy!) -- Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3948|True ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skinning macro. ( This one was tricky to setup to avoid targets queued ) It use a dagger and ends up leaving the Target cursor up so you just have to click a corpse. -- Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.1000000 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1117191789|3922 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.3000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Not the most complicated macros but ones I uses on regular basis. Hope it help someone!
ill donate my old tamer farming get out of there fast as hell with your dragons macro. Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|72|3|ENU|5|48|232|22|49|108|All follow me [to get them to follow you to your gate] Assistant.Macros.MacroCastSpellAction|52 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|2000 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1085957786|109|66|0|3834 [your rune to guarded area incase red follows you] Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|72|3|ENU|5|48|232|22|49|108|All follow me [to make them go into gate] Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickTypeAction|3948|True no loop
Here's my spoiled as hell Recall macro. This one is for my tamer but is nearly identical to my bard's macro. This works well as an escape macro but also drops off all gold/plat/cHoin and restocks reagents (depending on how you configure your agents. The basic format is: Cast Recall, Target Rune (Runebook/default rune is to the bank, in my case), Pause 1s (time to get to the bank), open the bank, Organizer-1 is set for 20,000 gold pieces. This is more than I can carry so it will always move all gold to the Hotbag specified in the agent. This will also move platinum and holiday coins because they are all "gold coin" base item type. Restock Agent-2 is set for 50/each reagent, 200 bandages and two gate scrolls (specific to my tamer). The Double-Click action at the end is my Runebook so if I have my farming spot in there it's just a couple clicks and I'm back to it. Yes, this leaves my tames behind but I don't use it when they are engaged with any formidable mob. Assistant.Macros.MacroCastSpellAction|32 Assistant.Macros.WaitForTargetAction|30 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|1075129135|3834 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:01 Assistant.Macros.SpeechAction|0|52|3|ENU|2|16|2|Please open my bank box! Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:00.5000000 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Organizer Agent-1 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:03 Assistant.Macros.HotKeyAction|0|Restock Agent-2 Assistant.Macros.AbsoluteTargetAction|0|0|6840|1902|2680|52|400 Assistant.Macros.PauseAction|00:00:10 Assistant.Macros.DoubleClickAction|1075129135|3834 If you have any questions, feel free to post or PM me.