Thought i would share what I've gathered together of templates, the whole idea for me is that i will have anything covered that i would ever want to do and can do on UOR. Of course this is all personal preference and there are many other templates. This though should have everything covered so you can do anything in the fantastic world of UO. Short info: 1. Weapon Skills can be replaced with a different one that is to your liking. 2. Stun Mage template, Tracking can be replaced with either inscription for better reflect and reactive armour or with healing. I went for Tracking which is useful (I've been told) as a pk. 3. Detect Hidden has been used on all characters with Lockpicking cause this allows you to try and pick chests that normally require GM Lockpicking. If you get the time to do GM Lockpicking you can replace Detect Hidden with something you find more useful. Layout info: The idea is you can copy this to a document or whatever you prefer(i use evernote) and check the brackets with an x when you've achieved GM in that skill etc. for example: [x]. I personally use a check box that i just click with the mouse, this format couldn't be put in forums though. I also have placed characters on accounts according to their roles. AFK Type characters are on 3rd Account for a reason. Crafter can craft while i play the other 2 accounts. House Keeper can stand in House ready to recall into dungeons to ress and or gate out an alt out. Stun Mage/PK can stand and work counts. N=Name T=Template G= Guild H=House Owned C=Co owned Where P=Playstyle (PvP, PvM etc.) Check a Skillbox when you have it at GM. Check Stats when you have them where you want. Check Spellbook when you've given the guy a 64 spells one. Check Statloss if in Stat. Check Public if you made the character public using "[wallet" command in game. I realise this might seem a bit OCD, but i like having an overview of things ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account: Password: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Mage/Bard G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Hiding [ ]Musicianship [ ]Provocation [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Treasure Hunter G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Cartography [ ]Detect Hidden (Replace once GM Lockpicking) [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Lockpicking [ ]Magery [ ]Hiding [ ]Meditation [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Stealth Lockpicker G: H: C: P: PvM (Ancient Mibs Runs) [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Lockpicking [ ]Detect Hidden [ ]Hiding [ ]Stealth [ ]Wrestling [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Archer Mage G: H: C: P: PvP, Factions [ ]Archery [ ]Tactics [ ]Anatomy [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Str. 90 / Int. 45 / Dex. 90 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Fencer Mage G: H: C: P: PvP, Factions [ ]Fencing [ ]Tactics [ ]Anatomy [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Str. 90 / Int. 45 / Dex. 90 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2nd ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account: Password: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Animal Taming [ ]Animal Lore [ ]Veterinary [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Thief/Rares Hunter G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Meditation [ ]Hiding [ ]Snooping [ ]Stealing [ ]Detect Hidden [ ]Magery [ ]Lockpicking [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Gatherer G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Lumberjacking [ ]Mining [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Hiding [ ]Stealth [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Detective G: H: C: P: Town PvP [ ]Fencing [ ]Tactics [ ]Anatomy [ ]Healing [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Forensic Eval. [ ]Detect Hidden [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 25 / Dex. 100 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Nox/Scribe Mage G: H: C: P: PvP [ ]Magery [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Meditation [ ]Wrestling [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Inscription [ ]Poisoning [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd ACCOUNT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account: Password: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Dexer/Fencing+Archery G: H: C: P: PvP, PvM - Roleplayer [ ]Fencing [ ]Archery [ ]Tactics [ ]Anatomy [ ]Healing [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Hiding [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 25 / Dex. 100 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Crafter G: H: C: P: House [ ]Blacksmithing [ ]Carpentry [ ]Alchemy [ ]Musicianship [ ]Bowcraft/Fetching [ ]Tailoring [ ]Tinkering [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: House Keeper G: H: C: P: House [ ]Magery [ ]Hiding [ ]Meditation [ ]Cooking [ ]Item ID [ ]Spirit Speak [ ]Arms Lore [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Fisherman G: H: C: P: PvM [ ]Fishing [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Healing [ ]Anatomy [ ]Tactics [ ]Archery [ ]Magery [ ]Str. 100 / Dex. 85 / Int. 40 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------ N: T: Stun Mage G: H: C: P: PK [ ]Magery [ ]Meditation [ ]Evaluating Intelligence [ ]Anatomy [ ]Wrestling [ ]Resisting Spells [ ]Tracking [ ]Str. 100 / Int. 100 / Dex. 25 [ ]Spellbook [ ]Statloss [ ]Public ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PS. Im open to any suggestions if I've made fatal mistakes in my templates that I'm unaware of. Here is a pic of how it looks for me:
Scribe/Stun makes are useful. The Nox Mage isn't as useful with the stacked GC potion chugging spammed....among other reasons. It was one of the disappointments I encountered here as I used to play a Nox Mage in Era.
All IMO. The t-hunter I'd drop eval for hiding since his primary goal is to dig up maps and spells hit like trucks even w/o eval here. I'd got music/provoke makes GM'ing lockpicking possible w/o blowing 30 regs per chest. On the tamer you have eval/resist. After looking at all the PVM people on the server they are all discord/music. If you see mutombos guide that has the picture of a mob w/normal stats and then after discord. It's like /facepalm, enticement it is! I would take LJ off the gather char and put it on a swords char, nothing is more fun than running up and 2 shotting someone. On each of the 3 accounts I made a Tailor/Fisher/Archery/Tactics char for fishing while watching a movie and BOD's. Very nice spread sheet btw. +1
I just made a character with fletching/bowmaking and that skill will not work. I double click on feathers and nothing happens. I use a knife on logs and it says i can't use it on that. Is fletching different on this shard than it used to be or am i experiencing a problem of some kind?
You have to use the Fletching Tools to make shafts and arrows here to turn logs into boards double click your axe and target the boards
wow thats quite a character layout you got there... ya im def w the 40 dex on your tamer, makes a huge difference with high end mobs and bosses