New Idea for small scale dueling

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Azguard, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Azguard

    Azguard Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    The dueling arenas here are great and fun, but I have an idea I want to throw out there for discussion.

    Zyler gave me a great idea for a new duel. A JOUSTING ARENA!!!
    we could convert one of the Britain fields into a jousting arena set up like a dueling arena.
    When you accept a duel with another participant, you appear in the Arena mounted on an Ethereal Steed and you have a Lance. you have to provide your own armor. and that is all that will be used.
    Body hit = 10 points
    Head hit = 25 points. First to 100 points scoring wins the duel.
    Hits are based on your tactics skill level, not weapon skill so all melee fighters could compete.
    The lance will have to be special coded to be a 3 square attack range (to cover the distance across divider). but will only appear in the arena during the duel.

    Once the score limit is reached and the duel is over, the participants appear back in the grandstand minus the ethy mount and lance.

    What do you guys think about this idea for in the future?
  2. Dalavar

    Dalavar Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Aug 11, 2013
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    It just has nothing to do with anything in UO from this era, that's my only issue with it.

    You could also set this up in a house pretty easily.

    If you're really concerned about people staying in their lanes, the setup would be like this:

    Lane 1 would have barrel staves on it
    Lane 2 would have footstools on it, raised up 2 times each with the house deco tool, and barrel staves on that.
    Lane 1 would have some kind of blocking item (maybe more barrel staves) raised up 16 or 17 times with house deco tool.

    Wrap the two lanes with whatever you like (tables, etc.)

    That would ensure people stay in their lanes. And I actually kind of like the idea of people "jousting" with regular weapons like Halberds, War Hammers, and Spears.
  3. Azguard

    Azguard Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    i know its not original uo specific. but truthfully, neither is the fortress. i mean its something unique that i figured would be interesting and/or popular.
  4. Halabinder

    Halabinder Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
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    Were'nt lances introduced to the official servers that unhorsed as a special attack? You could have actual jousts if lances were introduced and wouldn't need a point system.
  5. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    Hans aka The Tax Man of TKB set something up like this in the TKB guild town

    I think it went pretty well. It was hard to 'force' people to stay in their lanes but they got the general idea. with the narrow space.

    The difficult part is the scoring, I think Hans had his razor set to show "Health %" above players and kept his journal open and the first to drop below a certain percentage point lost.

    I rather enjoyed it.
  6. Azguard

    Azguard Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    thats why i thought the special dueling arena would be an interesting concept. the lances would only be there. so not involved in other shard activities. they coudle be coded for 3 square range attack to fix the problem with lanes. and the point system, or dehorsing, would be the easy way of tracking the duel.
    Jupiter likes this.

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