The house will be stocked with weapons to train all combat skills and shields for parrying. I'll make sure to check the house daily to see if stock needs to be added, players will be friended and anyone has access to the stock chests. Please do not take more than you need as that will take supplies away from other players that want to gain skill. Once I get more money I will be adding reagents to train magery. If you want to be friended and let in to start training just PM me or find me in IRC. I can also add you to the guild stone so you don't go grey. I can gate you in or you can follow the map in the screenshot. Also report any abuse to me, such as players stealing too much from the stock or people killing others. Donations to help better this or keep it running are accepted but not necessary.
I walked into the new player training house a boy and walked out a man. edit: upon a second reading, I regret this particular choice of words...