Regs, Pots, Scrolls, Vanqs of all kinds, cheap Power of all kinds, Invulnerable Bone suits, Invulnerable leather suits, Invulnerable Dex suits, Fortification Dex and leather suits, G Heal wands, mana drain wands, lightning wands, GM barbed male AND female, poisoned weapons, anniversary clothing, AND MORE. Come shop with CPR in Vesper while supplies last, reasonable prices and friendly people. The best weapons are selling out quick, we will restock in the near future. P.S. - I always appreciate feedback on pricing, still getting a feel for the market.
Bump due to anniversary spam, but we do have some green anniversary clothing for sale if that's your thing. Also trading magenta purple 10 yr robe for green 10 yr robe. Finally, make sure to check Kiryana's shop at the Vesper moongate on your way out for any "hot" items.