What's the best way for a total Newb (Tailor only) BODer to get CBDs (as in leather large orders or spined or horned?)? I'm trying to figure out what flippers are and what to keep. I know the cloth BODs are flippers, fill them and turn them in for another.... are bone BODs worth doing or just flip those too?
Gideon's info is great. One thing I will add... the BOD system is very quirky such that there are only two very painful ways to get *plain* leather hanging armor pieces. And those ways are 15xSpined Studded and 15xSpined Bone sets. I would keep those, and after like a year you'll find you can put together a set or two if you have the patience. The hanging leather armor has been selling for 100k/piece, but frankly that's a steal in my opinion given how rare and annoying it is to make.
link to basic BoD terminology (what is CBD, what is flipping, etc...) Someone willing to post a link here?
Gideon, You said... "spined, horned, barbed dye bods = awesome" All spined, horned and barbed equal dye bods? Which combos get the dye bods?
Krake, CBD is "clothing bless deed" Flipping is when you take a worthless BOD , complete it and turn it in so you can get a better one and not wait for the 6 hour timer...