North Vesper guard zone

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Kirby, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Kirby

    Kirby Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Oct 24, 2016
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    Why does the guard zone north of Vesper extend so far away from the city? It looks like there's tons of space there made for housing, including a spot that may fit a keep (not sure on that), yet no houses can be placed there because the guardzone goes so far.

    I understand it going to the provisioner north of the river, but that whole shoreline N and W of the river is guardzone, and it extends pretty far into the wilderness.

    Is there a reason for this, or is it a "That's just how it is" kinda thing?
  2. Vandalin

    Vandalin Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Nov 5, 2016
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    Yeah, it's always been like this and I wish that big patch of land in the woods could be used for something (anything).

    I don't know what the admins get to see in regard to how guard zones are set up, but I'm guessing it's just a big square around the town so this had to be done to fit in every building. Or, maybe it doesn't work like that at all.

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