Off the Wall Variety Shop, literally right off the wall outside Trinsic! Turn right after you come out of the town gate and hug the wall. Come see Aquene and Mallory for a variety of goods! Paintings Small Paintings: 35k Autumn Road Painting: 125k AMIBs Set of 4: 330k Single AMIB: 85k Treasure Maps Level 1 Treasure Map 50-Packs: 40k (800 each) Level 3 Treasure Maps: 5k Fishing Nets Fishing Nets 50 Pack: 115k (2.3k each) Special Hue: 80k Easter Eggs 50 2022 Golden Eggs (250 Points): 300k (1.2k/point) 50 2022 Eggs (50 Points): 60k (1.2k/point) XMas Scrolls: 230k Disclaimer: Off the Wall Variety Shop is not responsible if you are injured or death occurs in an attempt to jump from the Trinsic wall over the moat to get to these great deals.
You all had Aquene burning the midnight oil last night wiping most of his stock out! Current inventory updated in the post with added treasure maps.
The fires of Mount Doom painting almost bought it but trying to save my coin at the moment. Good price for a great painting!
Current inventory updated in original post, Aquene slashed some prices to move inventory (he hates all the weight in his backpack). Added Bulk Wands after the Tmaps and AMIBs sold out.
Inventory updated in the post, added a couple small paintings, treasure maps, fishing nets, iron ingots.
Did you farm like crazy all weekend and have gold to burn? Look no further than right outside the Trinsic wall for Aquene! Restocked with Treasure Maps, AMIBs, and a pile of fishing nets and price drops on paintings.
Inventory updated, fishing nets, AMIBs and Level 1 TMap Packs restocked and a couple paintings added!
Restocked with some new goods. Aquene made a friend that joined the Off the Wall Variety Shop, welcome Mallory now selling Recall, Mark and Energy Vortex scrolls!
In celebration of Off the Wall Variety Shop being open for 1 year we are having an Anniversary Sale, come see our vendors Aquene, Carl, Ambis, and Mallory for all our specials!!!