Basically , I can find many uses for this : Vendor house , as it is IN guard Zone , something Buyers DO appreciate and makes them feel safe ... A good house for a solo thief... Good rpgers house I wish it were a bigger house but with platinum coins additions you can add 25 secure , fence and 1 secure . Plus IDEAL for a player with a CRAFTER , Minoc mines , up the road , woods behind for wood, with animals for leather and rarely any spawn , vesper gy with a wisp to be lured into for bones , and the closet NPC vendor shop is ... Tailor , Bod collecting perfection. As tailors imo is best reward vs effort value in gold. For those unfamiliar with image , the bridge is the one to the N of the entrance of the Vesper bank , and then instead of turning West to all the tipical house placement down the road to Minoc mines you turn East to the NPC tailor house and the ONLY Small Tower 'Vesper's Watch Tower' . Thats the Spot. This isn't a timed auction or S/B but an open PM trade or gold offer .
I thank weigraf and StarHunter for bids , please notice , and anyone else interest , the 'This isn't a timed auction or S/B but an open PM trade or gold offer .' I admit 'rare pixel whorage' So basically im more than into deed plus gold , into trades but sure , i'm quite to see those pots
Either a gold offer as you are offering , we met , with your allie , if you do remeber... and i did mention my liking of rares... so if you wish , to send me a Private message with a trade offer of item rare and i do happen to like , i will post here , for example , Weigraf has offered me such and such an item (aprox value so many K) same goes to anyone else interested in location who instead of spending gold or plat has a rare extra or rather trade barter than spend gold. If not usual deed plus is ok. But I'm honestly more intrerested in the trade system and rares than gold that can be farmed Ty Extra photo for those who have mentioned that a Guard zone vendor would be good , this is what happens and when message show off leaving guard zone when you walk directly North... That is exact moment when i received the Leaving G zone.
I was lucky enough to place here yesterday. I love the spot but feel others may love it more. Don't they say if you love something let it go or something??? Since I am not one to question ancient wisdom and sayings, I am placing this small tower back on the market. I will sell it for 150k to the first person that wants it. If not it will turn into my BOD collection facility. The first person to respond on the forums gets it!
Sounds wonderful oh great magical one! I should be on around 7:00pm est. Message me when you are free
Ellendur was so strange... Now this thing fell? Oh geez. I almost paid 200k for it... WAS = is 200 = 250