Petition to give a name to these dragons whom are dyed with the red or blue 9th Anni Dragon dye. @Telamon said him and the Team are working on names for 9th Anni dyed dragons. A good few months ago. So I ask for forum member participation to give your opinions on the changes they would like to see concerning 9th Anni Dragon dyed names for red/blue dragons. No off topic talk No trash talk Please add opinion of 9th anniversary: Red and blue dye dragon names Hopefully this isn't a pipe dream -CrazyHorse Current Possible Names: All Anni/Dye Dragons: •A Celebratory Dragon •A Anniversary Dragon Red/Orange Hue Names: •A Pumpkin Dragon •A Rustic Dragon •A Flaming Dragon Blue Names: •A Midnight Dragon •A Twilight Dragon
Best name I've come up with for the red dragon is: "A Pumpkin Spice Dragon that looks like a regular red dragon"
Though it does look better on dark dragons, I feel like that is just part of the research involved in applying an expensive dye like that. In my opinion, the whole point of anniversary hues is to have two unique hues for the given year, and I really don't see any reason why they would add another one just because this one doesnt look good on shirts or red dragons. Names applied to the dragons, I could definitely get behind, maybe to avoid the leg work / creativity of creating names for each year, they could be named something like "an anniversary dragon", or "a celebratory dragon".
should let the public pick names then have the name chosen by picker wheel, semi serious/fun names only.
Agreeable for sure, I don't dislike or hate my orange dragon but I do think they could have put a bit more effort towards the hue not being sooo similar to normal red dragons. If they're doing normal names like that then I'd assume 8th dragons wouldn't be called A Crimson Dragon ect and all would be restricted to the basic "Anniversary Dragon" naming. Which I don't see anyone getting behind. It seems like 9th anniversary hues are all a bit wonky, the orange and blue look good in some forms of clothing ect and some look basically black hue or very different from other pieces of the same hue. Main goal here being getting some support on a Name for the dragons and if enough people think the orange Dragon hue sucks maybe a change on that
Yeah good point about the 9th hues. Both 9th sandals don't look that good - much too dark for sandies. That being said, I don't think they need to change the hue for sandals either it's just the luck of the draw for that year - not every ani hue looks great on everything it can hue, that's just the way it's always been. The crimson dragons were the first year for ani dragon dyes, and I think they just put more time into it that year. Something that's tough to be too picky about when it's a free server mostly run by volunteers these days. My suggestion for the more generic names was just for the sake of saving time /effort of those who are creating the names - something that seems to be already low these days. I think unique names for each year's dragon is a cool concept anyway. "a blazing dragon" might go well with that orange hue.
Absolutely the generic names would make things easier on staff. Can't say I have come up with any names I actually like for red and blue dye of 9th year but would love to have at least that aspect be special and or talk worthy when someone sees the dragon haha. As for hue of clothing I got the 9th blue mask dye and put it in a deer mask, looks way dark ect but still love it. And consider hunting down 9th blue sandals/runebook for the set. Only real issue I have is the lack of a name and the color of the red sucks
Edited to remove the issue with Red dragon dye hue and focus entirely on getting the team to come up with Names for the dyed dragons of red and blue hues. Bump
Petition to add 50 more 9 anniv red and blue dragon dyes. There were many responses of jealously, envy and anger from the decision to only make a limited supply of the dyes. A correction from staff is required.
I was given the OK to continue this goal, we need more ideas for names of 9th Anniversary Red and Blue dyed Dragons! Editing Main post to reflect current ideas and see if we can get the most liked names implemented.