Phoenix Armor Trade In Program 11/25/14 - 12/25/14

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Chris, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Chris

    Chris Renaissance Staff
    Renaissance Staff

    May 14, 2012
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    With the implementation of Patch 58 we have replaced the random Phoenix armor piece you could received from turning in a bulk order deed with a deeded item allowing you to select the piece of armor you want.

    For the next month we will allow any player with a piece of phoenix armor to trade it in for this deed. To do this open a page ingame with the pieces of armor in your bank and they will be replaced with the new selection deeds.


    Note: These deeds are not blessed. And all selections are final.


    Q. If I buy a piece of armor from someone can I trade it in for a deed?
    A. Yes

    Q. Can I swap out a piece of armor multiple times?
    A. Yes however we would prefer that you make your selection carefully. After the 25th no more swaps will be made.

    Q. Can I simply keep the deed and select armor later?
    A. Yes the deeds are much like potted plant deeds and can be used anytime.

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