I'm looking making an archer tank Mage Archery Tactics Anatomy Magery Med Eval Resist This way I can sub back and forth between pirate and tank Mage. What stats would you use for archer Mage.
If you plan on going after afk fishermen I would drop resist for tracking since the only resisting you'll be doing is sea creatures. It is relatively easy to escape even an experienced pirate if you are at the keyboard and have a basic idea about using the alt+arrow system to navigate and most people have hiding on their fishermen so as soon as they get a tiny bit of distance it becomes a (nearly) un-winnable race.
Try this: GM Get Yo Own Damn Fish WiseOne's right, although that doesn't mean that you still won't get people. It's easy to have perfect defense against thieves, house looters, and pirates, but not a whole lot of players know it or practice it.