I'm still new to smith bods and I have no idea how to even organize them efficiently yet. I don't know what's worth posting up on forums that people would actually want. For example in tailoring it's spined/horned/barbed and LBODs.. where do I start with smith bods on a similar spreadsheet? Copper? Bronze?
Well, I guess I can describe how I organize my smith bods. For starters, I have two book types for "Flippers", which I will define here. There's High End Flip and just plain Flippers. All helmets (excluding plate), shields and weapons either fit no large, or (if weapon) are not worth filling the large for. Plain Flippers = any and all IRON smalls. There are literally no rewards worth spending your iron ingots on for larges. Personally, I don't even bother with iron plate, I just book it. Maybe someday I'll get so low on Flippers that I do those too, but otherwise, iron plate is a waste of resources. The only Dull Copper larges worth filling are 15x Ringmail and 20x Chainmail and Exeptional Platemail. These will get you anvils, hanging shields, braziers and a bronze hammer. The only Shadow larges worth filling are Exceptional Chainmail and Exceptional Platemail. More Bronze hammers, hanging shields, braziers and hanging metal armors. Copper and above are almost all of decent value in larges, unless they are non-plate helmets, shields or female armor, which I dub 'High End Flippers'. I assemble my BoDs into 'sets' in books. For example, I have a bag with Dull Copper books. DC Larges, DC Plate, DC Ring/Chain, then sets that I'm filling. For example, I'll drop a DC large plate bod in a book and start adding the smalls as I get them. I have one bag with the 6 'high end' ore books, that contain all bods of that ore type because there just aren't enough to justify multiple books like DC/Shadow. At present, I have about 40 completed 'sets' just waiting to be filled as I have the time, resources or need for the resulting reward. I hope this helps.