Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Jupiter, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2013
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    I am open to supporting new ideas. I believe that era-accuracy should definitely be considered, but as in era of the fantasy time frame in which Sosaria is created (e.g. no space guns that go "pew, pew, pew")

    However, I do feel that novelty features should be prioritized accordingly so that they are put at the end of the incredibly long list that the shard admins are already working on, they should also be deeply analyzed as well for efficacy, and their should be some method to establish merit of an idea.

    In reading over the discussion forum over the last few months I have seen so many new ideas; some valid, some not even worth reading past the few two words. In order to help stem the tsunami of "new ideas" I think it would be of great benefit if we helped Telamon put together some kind of a idea submission form.

    So if somebody wants to suggest something that is completely NEW they should have a standard form to fill out. I think the huge benefit from this form is that we could convince Telamon to only consider PLAYER SUBMITTED non-bug fix ideas if they are submitted using this form. Also, then we could discuss such topics as chicken farming, unique name limits, and space alien invasions in a more civil manner. Why? Because if the idea isn't submitted using the form, we don't have to worry that it will even be considered. "What happens if somebody submits an idea with the form, but the idea still blows?" Then you can open the flood gates with all your fervor to oppose the idea and defame and slander the poster. (ok, you dont have to go to that extent). And finally, by requiring people to fill out a form, it will hopefully allow some folks time for pause to consider what they are posting before they fill up our forums with an idea that is probably garbage.

    I'll take a stab at the first draft:

    Name: (perhaps using a real name - no last name required - would help encourage people to put more thought before posting?)


    How long have you played UOR:

    State the mechanic or basic nature of your idea in less than 5 sentences:

    State a brief and concise paragraph to explain why you think your idea is relevant and should be considered:

    Have you considered what the benefits are that impact the shard (not just you):

    Have you considered any negative impacts? Please list them here:

    Reference/Research: This section would be reserved for the person proposing the idea to state their research. For instance they should add links for any other posts that are related to their proposed mechanic
  2. Pirul

    Pirul Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    May 16, 2013
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    Wait...what is this? Common sense? Work?!?!


    Just kidding, I think the idea is great and would definitely help weed out some of the more outlandish proposals.

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