Hello, this is just for PS members! We will be having a miniquest this Sunday, the 7th, at 1pm EST. Going to be tromping thru some mobs and bosses in search of an ancient relic! Should be a good time. If we have at least 4 show up , we will proceed, if less, we will reschedule!. Hope to see as many of you there is possible. ~Krake
I hopefully will be around. But it is the last weekend before school starts, so I maybe setting up a classroom.
You god damn ameriCUNTS <3 start using GMT like rest of the world.. If this is correct http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20160807T13&p1=179&p2=101 I might be apply to join depends on how mad gf would be for me gaming from our summer cottage as leaving for a week holiday. At least can probably join bit later.
Would you be my friend... Hi, I'm a guildless ex KoS looking for new game pals! Talked to Mia and NerK a while ago and they warmly recommended PS. I'm on European time and if I'm out hunting I mostly play my tamer Fluttershy, have some other more or less finished characters in the stable. If you want me in the guild and I make it home in time from my blueberry picking excursion (yeah, I'm Swedish, we like blueberries!) I would gladly join.
Well your european thats bonus, your swedish thats a downside, fyi. Finska talande bättre folke. Ice Hockey 1995 never forget! Join our IRC @ #PS and chat there.. (Yes I saw you there and even talked with you) Pull me from my sleeve and maybe we can do a hunt or two and I could give a good word for ya, I heard Krake is looking for new slaves and I saw potential in this new padawan who is former KoS member.
All I can say is LOL Google translate + finnish maybe you could open an kebab store here, not quite but almost there.
Great time @Lord Krake! It was a shame we didn't get to do the last AMIB. Although the fishing nets were quite crazy. Thanks for joining us @Cha, @Kilgore Trout, and @Valrick! Welcome @My little ponies, @redb3rry, and @DomJuan. It was fun having you on your first guild hunt. Hope to see you all next weekend for the scavenger hunt!
Them lochnesses everywhere! Big thanks @Lord Krake for hosting and to everyone who participated. All thou @Valrick sold me plat for 9k which looks like an empty bottle....