PvM Leaderboard suggestions and ideas

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Redding, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Redding

    Redding Active Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    Recently, I have been discussing with Dalavar about the need for an alternate scoring system, based on gold here (his idea): viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2695

    I wanted to know if anyone had any other ideas or suggestions about PvM leaderboards before years end and to see if there was any info on the forums I may have missed about the "Point Leader" scoreboard under "PvM Leaders" on the left hand margin of the website. (Sorry if I am hunting for spoilers Telemon!) I had some ideas of my own and since I have already posted them I will try and be concise here. Hopefully it isn't too late to have some great ideas implemented at years end. Please comment and add your own suggestions!

    1. Separate Leader board based on a gold/point value system (probably already happening) and give lesser or no value to champ spawn
    2. Make the rankings of each kill category available (overall kills, animals, arachnids, etc.)
    3. Make the individual monsters at champion spawns a separate kill count from those found in the world
    4. Make Champion Spawn its own kill category under overall kills, or a completely separate kill category from overall kills.
    5. Make Bosses a separate kill category, and introduce more Bosses into the Beastiary.

    I like the idea of an alternate scoring system a lot because it would differentiate between players who kill less, but more difficult prey vs. gobs and gobs of weak stuff. The former would have high points scores, the latter high kill scores. Both play-styles require time and some dedication to rank highly, both would receive recognition. My proposed changes to Champ Spawn would be to prevent the top 10 names on one score board from being the top 10 on the other. Perhaps the math is already there to debunk this theory. Also I would like to be able to tell the difference between what I kill in the world compared to the same monster types I kill at champ spawns.
  2. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    (1) - I definitely like the secondary scoring system, based off 'total gold earned' or something of the sort (I've been lurking the other thread). All for it!

    (2) - Definitely.

    (3&4) - I'm OK with them being in their own category, but I don't think they should be excluded from the overall total. Too much of a special case.

    (5) - Definitely!
  3. Redding

    Redding Active Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    Right after I posted this, Dalavar responded on the other thread about making a gold avg per kill ranking which would address the issue of Champ Spawn well. Good idea!

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