Hi, I have seen mentions on the forums about fortifying items and I have seen this product on vendors. Before you use a CBD it seems like you should fortify an item, correct? Also, are there any limitations on the type of items the fort works on?
Fort powder works on most items and in some cases is the only way to repair items. Clothing bows masks all can be repaired only with the powder up to a durability of 255
@Hiji Zuru Fort powder works before and after blessing with a CBD. Blessing an item does not lock in it's durability. Yes if you invest a CBD on an item you should fully fort it. Fort powder works on many player utilized/worn items. Fort a weapon up take a fair amount of fort powder as a GM smith repair deed contract is the best way. Having max durability on a weapon makes for a longer "wear" period.
I usually get it for free from friends so I'm not sure on price. I'd inquire within IRC when your on.