wanted to see if anyone can solve this puzzle for me, i have seen runic crafted bows and i dont see anything about bowcraft BODS can someone please shead some light on this subject. is there a way to craft runic bows? or is this something that happened a while back and is no longer available? thank you
Nope and they probably won't be instituted for a while and by while I mean years. Switch to swords, use a katana.
That doesn't make sense I have a runic crafted bow that was purchased off a vendor..... any idea where these may have came from ?
Your right it's from that Valentine's Day event, sry for confusion. Hope they do bowcraft bods. I would love to see something added for archery. You have fencing stun swords and macing specials, don't understand how come archery was left out. Would be interesting if they implemented dismount hit or poison shot. Just some thought thx for the input.
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA deep breath HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA deep breath HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Sorry...Had to get that out of the way. I used to have hope too. Unless you run a tamer you get second, third, fourth, fifth, last Priority. Freehugger was right. Its been about two years since I started playing here and I have yet to see any changes to Archery. You're going to get the argument "well it is period correct" kind of like the trammel maps, zoo keepers quest, etc etc. Dont get me wrong I enjoy those things but spread the damn love already.
I'm with you here Minax and feel the pain. Would love to see some sort of boost given to Archery, i suggested that we should be able to fully repair bows using bowcraft/fletching - but not enough general interest. In any case, I will continue to use archery on one of my toons as there's no better feeling that delivering that final arrow that drops the titan!