Okay... I've looked on UOAM, and on the official maps of every description I can find (as well as some rather unofficial ones) and I have a question that remains unanswered.... There is a cemetery to the far NE of Yew, near the Storm Shores that is manned by a group of monks and has no undead spawn... Can't find it listed as a "place" on any map. Anyone know what I'm talking about and if it has a name or official designation of some sort? I want to use it in a story line, but don't want to trample any history that may be pre-existing that is attached to the site. Thanks for the info.
just really noticed those beautiful trees. That has got 1,000 plat cy deco item written all over it. Or the valorite hammer equivalent of uor gardening endgame.
Yep. That's the one. I am at work and was impatient to get the name. Thanks a bunch. I didn't know if there was some deep lore behind it already or if it was simply a tourist stop. I think I'll include it in one of my tales and see if we can't build some mythology around the place. And yes, the trees are awesome. I like the fact that there's no spawn too.... only real, official graveyard I know of that isn't corrupted/tainted by the undead. I'll have to find a way to work that into the plot. thanks again.
Not sure at all about this, but I thought I remember someone saying this cemetary was just a creation of Telamon's? (need citation) And thus probably a prime subject for lore.
Russell, you fucking lame ass. Guess we can always count on you to be a shameless bottom feeder. GL on those keep sales btw. This is a memorial graveyard designed to commemorate actual players who have passed on in the real world. May they rest in peace. That said, I'm pretty positive any of those players would be proud to know the area is being used for RP/UO purposes other than memories.
ya looks like he "Upgraydd" that area! lol I am a shameless bottom feeder because you cant take a joke... noted!
Wow... thought that house was photoshopped in. How much is the asking price? I'm building a town there and could set that up as monk's dormitory with lodging for travelers to the cemetery. Might actually add a cool RP element to the story.
Gotcha. I can always put the monks shack anywhere. Good thing about Monks is they're not too particular about real estate.
This sounds very interesting. I'd like to see a town built around this concept. Are there any other player towns with lore of this type? I know that places like Stormhold are player towns but I don't know of any related lore.
I used to play a lot on Chesapeake back in the old days of UO (96-05) and helped set up a couple of player run towns there. The most successful by far was Silvervale (Heartkin) which, along with Shadowcove (SxC), has served as my inspiration for trying to set up The Vale. My hope is to have a fully functioning town with tradesmen, shops, a guard class, etc. I'm not sure about the lore and history of other player towns on this shard. I've been involved with Paws for a while now, and they do a pretty good job of setting that kind of character/story driven atmosphere. Never gotten into Stormhold too deeply, though the name alone speaks volumes to the potential for deep RP lore to be built around it (if it hasn't already been done). My main goal for The Vale is to have a small fishing/trading village on the coast that can serve as a launching point for adventures, a waypoint for travelers, resupply for various goods (tinker, carpenter, Blacksmith already gm'd and working on a tailor), and to build larger, deeper stories around. One of the things that really made Chesapeake great for RP back in the day was the interaction of diff. towns working towards common (or sometimes opposite) ends. There was a story line that I helped launch back then that eventually brought in four different towns to combine forces and combat a group of dark wizards, vampires, and necromancers. I'd really like to see that kind of RP community develop here. One of the biggest challenges is just finding enough like-minded people that can sustain a project like this. It was a lot easier to dedicate time to it when I was 15-16 than it is now at 33-34. Anyway, a long answer to a short question is yes, there are different RP communities out there in this shard that have some very deep very well established lore behind them. The only one I have personal experience with is Village of Paws (VoP) and I am currently trying to put down roots for another. That's one reason I've been posting the fiction lines I have.... laying the groundwork for character back stories that will serve as the history and foundation for The Vale.