I don't believe so. Recently this guy tried and was told the character could not be recovered. http://uorforum.com/threads/my-main-character-dissapeared.39308/
Hey Fullmetal! Hope all is well, and if ya plan to start again, come on back . P'S has moved to discord for a good while now, if you want reach out to me DoctorSatan#4440 No pressure but a fresh start can be a lot of fun in it's own way!
If I do decided to restart I probably won't make any crafters and just focus on one character instead with the other two accounts supporting that one character, instead of having hands in 10 pies like I did before... 3 Full-Time Tailor Bod Crafters, Main Crafter, Tamer, Event Thief, Treasure Hunter, Tamer, Rescue Bard, LJ Dexer, and a Mining Dexer (for killing golems). Haven't decided just yet though. RL got hectic and I made a rash decision to delete my characters to help smooth over some RL stuff.
Good on ya though for focusing on real life! I hear ya there. For me uninstalling the client helps, but I know we each have our own limits to will power. When I uninstall the client though, I have to go back and find all my macros and re-map them hah.
Crazy thing is, gaming was never the problem and has never been a problem. Wife and I have always played games together. I chose to remove the temptation to resolve a problem from outside influence's (extended family) from trying to ruin my marriage, taking a break from games helped me fight that battle instead of escape from it. Also with the loss of a parent to brain cancer I just felt it was necessary to remove any temptation to escape into any game for a while. Worst thing about it all is this community has always been a one of a kind, hard to find good folks who share a passion like UO even after all these years, and have them continue to help something like this server and its community thrive.
that could probably work surprisingly well... have staggered looping macros so there's always a peacemaking attempt going on...
Sorry to hear all of that. If you need help getting started again, I can hook you up with a spellbook and some reagents