I seem to remember some sort of track located outside of Brit...and was wondering if we could have one as well! If not outside of Brit then perhaps another town? With so many other player run events being held I thought this would simply be another laid back, easily set up way for all of us to interact. I specifically remember a race for dial up users, and one for DSL or cable but I'm thinking that won't be necessry now haha. Just a thought, and no rush obviously. Am I imagining this or does anyone else remember it as well? We used to play on Sonoma so not sure if it was on other shards as well.
Wasn't that for UO Olympics? I recall some talk about having something like that on UOR... archery, races, etc with medals as rewards
Although UO Olympics sound amazing I don't remember them myself. I was already planning standard races, relay, foot, polymorph... Hell even "All Follow Me" races where both the player and an animal had to cross the finish line.
It was initially organized on Chesapeake but I believe was eventually held on other servers. Funny I knew half the people that organized them.... brings back a lot of memories. Here is a link about them: http://www.uo.com/All-Britannia-Olympics Let me search for some pictures and more info on the events. Ill also post more from what I recall of events, medals, etc. I also should be able to get in touch with Winfield who is Chesapeake's unofficial historian, etc etc.
Olympic events held in 2008 Ideas for events: http://rbg.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=56162&TabID=490083&ForumID=766194&TopicID=7334891
http://www.uo.com/Racing-Championship-Series This is what I remember specifically...and I guess this was just on Sonoma? But still, every shard should of had it...it was super fun. ESPECIALLY that Gauntlet event! Here are a few pics I found serachin around...these should be enough to get the gist of it anyways. As you can see it's nothing too big, it's not flashy or neon or anything truly offensive to the eyes, and quite frankly I think it fits and would love to see it added one day if possible!
+1 Sosarians shall ever remember the man who gave everything so that they may resist the powers of magic.
For the sake of sparing the verbosity, perhaps just Jura Hippodrome or Gideon Fields. In any event, full support of memorializing the name.
Thanks a TON Tela for putting this in! It's already bringing back some great memories I'd like to work with Jupiter/Jebidiah (and anyone else who wants to get involved) on starting up a specific night for holding races. And I'd be willing to bet that cA (or well...at least snap) will provide nothing but support for the Track!
I have it on good authority that all patches and GM adjustments to the game are fully covered by the cA Shard Adminstration Permit that Telamon pays monthly dues on.