seems to be gard.. I was told to do camping for dex.. should i just give up young status so I can snoop?
you can get young status back, simply type [young. But once you reach a certain skill level or hours played (i think it's 500 or so real total skill and +100 hours, can't say for sure), you can't go young again.
Snooping isn't criminal, just bad Karma, "young status" has nothing to do with it as far as I remember. I don't remember having any issues training stats as a young using camping, herding, or snooping, but it's been awhile...all you should have to do is unlock your Karma when your done by typing [profile and unlock Karma. Camping is great for all stats, but snooping is fast for dex.
1. Make around 6000 gold (give or take) 1a. For example, farm cotton from the fields in Occlo, make into cloth, get on IRC and sell said cloth @ 1gp per 2. Buy arbitrary skills from NPC's until you reach 700 skill points (I've never lost young status from this) except for herding/snooping/spirit speak 3. Set all skills to UP. Ensure real skill of herding/snooping/spirit speak is zero 4. Buy a shepherd's crook 5. Go to Occlo stables just inside the door 6. Create a macro that resembles the following depending on wanted stats use snooping (dex) or spirit speak (int) whisper: vendor buy (this locks the vendor in place from wandering away from you) useitem (vendor's back pack) (for DEX) OR useskill spirit speak (for INT) pause 30 useitem shepherd's crook delete the wait for target and put a pause of 30 target cow delete the wait for target and put a pause of 30 target self pause 1000 Max stats in 30 minutes again from emphasis Max stats in 30 minutes