Just a random thought before I log out for the night... Who the hell loves Halloween on UO:R! Spawn locations with constant challenges, actually playing with other random people! Ever the threat of PK/Thief interaction but you push it just a bit more for a semi-rare or a hcoin! Why can't every month be like October! And on that last thought, every month there should be a focal point...I know, those other guys do that, but we can one up them!...Why not set up, besides the major holidays, times where we can focus players into one area over-world! Long Live UO:R!!
Great idea. Until then I think the best way anybody that wants to support this server can do so by playing.... actively. Been on a graveyard world tour all day and had lots of fun... met some cool people, met some total weirdos too. Meh... now it's beer and hammock time. Till tomorrow, that is.
More events requires more staff to organize it, ithink... Dunno exactly who or how many staff members are creating and organizing the events the server had previously but since they all have RL business, families and so on and the server is a (time consuming) hobby, more organizers (staff or whatever) is needed to make new events or monthly events real.
We at cA have with our great lord @chumbucket in the lead arranged hunt chumbucket events in dungeons, mayhaps we'll see more of that in the future.