Selling the following rares, fixed prices: Post here or PM me, Rand, in IRC with what you want to buy. Will let this sale stay up until Saturday this time or until all is sold. 5x candles = 25k (have more than one set) 8x dried herb set = 40k (have more than one set) 1x Skull mug = 25k 1x pitcher = 25k 1x brush with handle = 30k 1x brush = 30k 1x rocks = 25k 1x white chessmen = 40k (also interested in trading for black chessmen) 1x bloody water = 35k 1x small pot of wax = 50k 1x cards = 35k 1x deck of tarot = 25k 1x small dung = 35k 1x large dung = 35k