Hi all, about those buffs. I understand MR, but for example against Melee is Reactive Armor usefull or is better Protection? In which situations? (I mean both in PvM and PvP). Coudl you exaplin the best uses of each one depends of situations? Thanks in advance.
Guides are your friend. RA for slow, heavy hitting weapons and Protection for fast and low hitting weapons
Are you sure about this? AFAIK Protection does not reduce damage but protects you from spell interruptions (I'm not sure if that includes magical interruptions, but definitely includes physical ones) http://www.uorenaissance.com/info/Protection In PvP protection is used when you're about to spell-dump your opponent and you're worried that he might break your combo (this would be especially useful against enemy with a bow, although no one uses bows these days, so this spell is rarely used too). Reactive armor is used to protect from high dps melee attacks. So, if you're facing a lumberjack in PvP, that'd be the way to go. In PvM I'd always prefer to use Magic Reflect since you want to be protected from initial spell dump if PKs appear. Protection can also be useful for this purpose because you can immediately cast Recall and it won't be interrupted (probably), but you're likely to die from delayed explosions at the destination of your recall. The problem with using Protection here, however, is that it will wear off automatically after ~1 minute leaving you unprotected during cooldown (another 1 minute). RA and MR don't wear off if no one attacks you.
This is exactly why I'd use protection for fast and low hitting weapons, so that i can cast uninterrupted @Twister