Hello together, I am not sure if I have posted the thread in the correct Forum. I am new on this shared and don’t all the details but a while ago I have marked some spots deep in a dungeon (e.g. Ogre Lord Island etc.) later I wanted to recall to the spot in the dungeon and I received the following message: “You are not allowed to travel there”. I know that you can recall from Felucia to T2A but is it the same with dungeons? If this is correct are there any plans to change this? ^^ Regards Kaze.
You cannot recall into a champion area (Baracoon's altar is on the island). If you mark your rune a couple screens to the SW, you should be fine.
They do not; UOAM uses generic map files and a common 'places' datastore. You could certainly mark them; but pretty much assume if theres a champion spawn altar, you will not be able to mark or recall there. Theres a good list or two of the locations in the guides forum.