Same Rules Apply As Last Auction - Listed at Bottom 8 1194 Red Bags - Great for vendor or house deco! - 300K SB 2013 x2 2014 x3 2018 2020 x2 Xmas Gift Box - 40k SB 1419 Furry Scale (33 on server) - 200k SB 1194 Furry Scale (8 on server) - 700k SB 2129 An acrid wyvern scale (1 of 1 however not unique. There is a static of the same hue) - 2m SB Spell of Dangerous Love Hue 221 - 20k SB Spell of Strange Love Hue 222 - 20k SB A skeletal blood mages cryptic scroll Hue 2118 - 650k SB a blood splattered scouts map - 400k SB a grave diggers map- 100k SB pirate treasure map hue 1003 (1 of 6) - 800k SB Completed pit from the abyss map hue 1626 - 20k Discovered the hidden ancient abandoned mine hue 1446 - (1 of 3) 900K SB Pirate treasure map hue 1325 Blue - 75k Rare Decorative Topiary (1 of 12) 650k SB Rare Snowy Tree (2 of 27 Auction is for Both) - 1.5m SB Top Row, Second Row, Third Row - Left to Right Batwing (two pieces) - 20k SB Pumice (two pieces) - 20k SB Pig Iron (two pieces) - 20k SB Bloodspawn - 45k SB Fertile Dirt ( two pieces) - 30k Mongbat Wing ( 1 of 6 active) - 500k SB Bloody Bones Shards - 100k SB Rabbits Feet (1 of 8 Hue 1900) - 250k SB Brimstone (two pieces) - 70k SB Daemon Bone (two Pieces) - 40k SB A bloody skull - 100k SB A Royal Mummy's Bandage (1 of 3) - 900K SB Please note, some items here may be listed as physical-now-static items in-game, and might not be player-holding items. I've done my best to research the units that are available, and priced them based on personal value, or previous purchase/sale value. This will be messy so please keep ANY questions to DM's only. I will post or update the listing if I assume the question is viable to the auction or asked multiple times. This is part 2 of 3 auctions that will be held in the coming weeks. All auctions will have 2 weeks of leniency to get funds together/find time to meet up, but please don't bid unless you're certain you're going to acquire the item. Already have had players go outside this window. So moving forward if you're not paid up within 2 weeks. It goes to the next bidder. GOLD ONLY 48/48 Thank you and happy bidding Ended White Poinsettia - 60k SB merlin8666 Tight AMIB Net - 650k SB Arcanias 8th Year Anniversary Lantern - 1.75m Miami 1209 Lamp A - 900k SB Venger 1209 Lamp B- 900k SB Venger Purple AMIB - 50k SB Reemer Green AMIB - 50k SB Reemer Red AMIB - 50k SB Reemer Blue AMIB - 50k SB Reemer Mushroom - 100k SB Orion GM BD Exceptional Exceedingly Accurate Indestructible Bow of Power Hue 2425 - 50k SB Gelato 2 Flask Stands - 100k SB Arcanias The Library 10 Bookshelves and open book- 6.7m Snorko 5 Open Barrels - 350k SB godbunny 4 Closed Barrels - 385k SB godbunny Spell of Lost Love Hue 20 - 35k SB Buga Dragons Blood - 50k Iotyn A Dark Root (1 of 26) - 1m SB Puck a skeletal blood knights cutlass - 275k SB Venger Cupid Bow + Arrows - 300k SB Rockers 3 Purples - 400k SB godbunny 3 Small Plants - 150k SB godbunny 2 Small Trees - 200k SB godbunny Tall Trees (all 3) 450k SB godbunny Spell of Lost Love Hue 338 - 40k Iotyn Spooky Candle (1 of 8) - 425k Buga Diabolically drawn treasure map depicting a pit from the abyss - 190k Goose Tag's based on previous bidders for attention. @Arcanias @Keza @Heresjohnny @Snorko @Hawkeye @Larloch @Krampus @Venger @lawn elder @Jessica @TheDarkOne @hetmasteen @Boomshakalaka @LanDarr @Salick @Garavar @SteelyDan
Diabolically drawn treasure map depicting a pit from the abyss - 100k SB 2 Flask Stands - 100k a skeletal blood knights cutlass - 150k Cupid Bow + Arrows - 100k SB
Spooky Candle (1 of 8) - 225k Cupid Bow + Arrows - 110k Spell of Lost Love Hue 20 - 35k SB Spell of Lost Love Hue 338 - 35k SB