Res Killing, Guilty Feelings

Discussion in 'Renaissance Discussion' started by Maltman, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Maltman

    Maltman Active Member

    Jun 15, 2015
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    --What's the most times you've ever res killed someone?

    Share any cool memories or stories you have about res killing and the rage that often results from it.

    I remember on OSI I would occasionally, kill someone, resurrect them, kill them again and then say like "sorry sorry that was an accident" and then do it again. Haha it was a lot of fun I have no idea why. I think once I even did it three times res-kill-res-kill-res-kill.

    --Also, have you ever felt guilty about something you did in the game?

    I usually don't feel guilty about anything in game except lying. That usually makes me feel bad and I avoid it.

    But one time this guy had a nice weapon in his hand and I was on my thief, so I asked him to mark me a rune because I wanted him to drop his weapon a moment so I could steal it. He did it for me but I messed up my hotkey and missed my opportunity. I was considering going back and asking him to mark another rune, but then I felt bad because he did something nice for me by making me the rune. lol.
    Taliic and Jupiter like this.
  2. wylwrk

    wylwrk Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2015
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    I had a character on Pacific who "couldn't abide the rude".
    I would systematically do whatever I could feasible within the confines of the game's EULA to utterly obliterate "the rude".

    I think there's a clear line between role playing an evil character and just being a dickhead to people for no reason.
    I can't abide the latter.

    So, I'm inside rude person's tower that I stole the key too. Him, outside... locked out with a GM he paged. The GM is trying to explain to this guy that he has no case. I've stolen this house. It and it's contents are mine.

    Occasionally I would step outside, drop a chest on the steps, pick it back up, go inside and lock the door.

    Long story short, through all this I had killed and dry looted him in between messing around in his house.

    You see, I had no intention of keeping any of these things.

    I created a trash barrel and dumped everything inside it.
    I went outside and re-deeded it.
    I placed a small house right in the center of the plot.
    I told him to either leave this server or start over and try not to be such a jerk.

    Of course, it didn't change anything. He stuck around on the shard for awhile and didn't change at all. He continued to grief people.

    Today I don't bother with "the rude". I ignore them when I can. When I can't, I kill them without uttering a word.
  3. Basoosh

    Basoosh Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Apr 3, 2013
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    UO, the game for sociopaths!

    I looted a guy's house on Voldeshard back in 2007, leading him to quit. Had to keep killing him to prevent him from getting to his house to ban my account doing the looting. Felt pretty bad about that. Been flying straight and narrow since then.
    Taliic, garvey, Jupiter and 3 others like this.
  4. AlexCCCP

    AlexCCCP Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Aug 27, 2012
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    Back during a Cove invasion guildies and I were working it. A thief showed up and proceeded to cause grief. As guards were down and thieves can't give murder counts I took the duty to keep killing him while my comrades worked the spawn in peace. Musta killed him 50 times before he gave up.
  5. Erlkonig

    Erlkonig Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Jun 14, 2015
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    Just need to wait a little for that timer to reset before you rez...

    garvey, Ragar, Xegugg and 4 others like this.
  6. Andersonius

    Andersonius Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 2, 2013
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    I am starting to see more clearly sir. You hide behind the devilish smile of the Hoff as you plan to take everyones shtuff!!!!!!! No one would ever suspect the Hoff!
    Basoosh likes this.
  7. Kane

    Kane Well-Known Member
    UO:R Subscriber

    Sep 20, 2014
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    Someone's in deep stat, unfortunately not a character I've ever seen in game
  8. Xegugg

    Xegugg Well-Known Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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  9. Pork Fried Rice

    Pork Fried Rice Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    This was on OSI? There was not a time when you could steal a house by having it's key AND place a trash barrel AND re-deed the house. Before home ownership, you could steal a key and you'd practically own the house because there was no true ownership system. Later, they added ownership along with the trash barrel and the ability to redeed the home. However, at this point, ownership existed so a stranger with the house key was powerless to re-deed the home. Because of this, your story kinda sounds like bullshit.
    Kane likes this.
  10. Savage

    Savage Well-Known Member
    UO:R Donor

    Jan 23, 2015
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    Ok, I'll out my "inner puss" and my feelings on RK...

    I feel Guilty "wronging any innocent", I try to treat Players like I want to be treated, Red/Blue does not matter....some Reds can be the nicest, best Players you can play with, and some Blues can be the biggest "D-Bags you've ever seen"! ( SP taught me this)
    Personally, I don't have it in me to RK someone just because......"I want to laugh at someones misfortune", or because "I Can"...

    I Hate RKing Players, but I have in the past if you "deserved it", or would NOT let me loot only what "I wanted", or you were "talking smack" the whole time...see "deserved it"

    I believe when you get PKed, you should stand visible as a Ghost and let him/her loot what he/she needs/wants, and hope for the Res. If a Healer is near, Res and stand away, letting the PK finish looting what they want... it is THEIRS Now, you lost, deal with it like a Man! Once they are done, if they let you have the rest of your stuff, that's less you have to replace and they restocked what they needed. If you got "Dry Looted", chock that dude up in your memory as a " D-Bag-Dry Looter" and treat him or her accordingly in the Future.

    If you get Ressed letting them loot, and get RKed for no other reason then "they could", then just run your ass to a GZ and Res and restock, let it go, how many death robes do you need? we have House Decor Tools now. You can't fix ASS-HAT, and there is no point in "raging over lost stuff"

    If you Res by Healer and run back to "grab a corpse" while your PK is looting, you deserve to DIE no matter how many times you do it, IT IS NO LONGER YOUR STUFF until He/She is done!

    Field Fights are different, you keep the "F-ers" down until they are disabled (no-longer able to cross heal or deal effective damage), a Faction Stat mage can cast G-Heal. Stat is no reason to leave your buddies a man down, you can still cross-heal/stam block.

    I feel Guilty only when it is an "innocent" player..............

    This Dude on the other hand "deserved it"!...............Not all of the Bodies here are from me, but a good portion are, and even though he was a "D-Bag" I started feeling bad towards the 7th or 8th Body...........several sets of Bones had already faded into oblivion, many more are off screen..he wouldn't quit talking smack...errr trying to...Finally had to just leave..

    Last edited: Aug 23, 2015
    Basoosh and Maltman like this.

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