I would like to auction off the following Agapite runic weapons in PAIRS and the Verites individually. Auction ends 48 hours after standing bid, plat accepted. If you are unaware, with the exceptional bonus this makes these weapons hit harder than vanqs: AGAPITE RUNIC PAIRS (exceptional +15 of power): Waraxe x2 S/B: 100k B/O:160k Warhammer x2 S/B: 80k (sold 85k Lacejeffs) B/O:140k Katana x2 SOLD S/B: 100k (sold Brymstone 100k) B/O:160k Viking Sword x2 S/B: 80k B/O:140k Short Spear x2 S/B: 80k B/O:140k Long Spear x2 S/B: 120k (sold Kane) B/O:170k Kryss x2 S/B: 100k B/O:160k Large Battle Axe x2 S/B: 100k B/O:160k Double Axe x2 S/B: 100k (bo CrazyDaze) B/O:160k Halberd x2 S/B: 80k B/O:140k VERITE RUNIC (individual): Large Battle Axe S/B: 140k (sold TrojanCow 190k) B/O:190k Short Spear S/B: 200k B/O:300k War Hammer S/B: 130k (sold Lacejeffs) B/O:180k
Prior to the holidays someone (not naming who it was, although I know who it was) looted the Paws armory. There is a story here. http://uorforum.com/threads/armory-of-paws-ransacked-a-vop-and-anonymous-tale.8099 Jupiter is an amazing person who tries his hardest and keeping the rp community alive with doing events and other stuff. Team Trammel and Shadowlords heard about this misfortune and donated to restock the paws armory http://uorforum.com/threads/armory-of-paws-ii.8325/ Jupiter had rl stuff going on and could not be around and had help with refreshing his houses and one of them was forgotten which was the Paws armory. It is just kind of sickening..., one group cares about the community, wants to see it grow, thrive, and then where you see the other side care about profit.
Posting the sb on the on the double axe x2... This being said, If Xeg is planning on buying them all for VoP's return... My sb, and possible further bids, will go to Xeg so the items can be returned to VoP. Does this make sense?
Since I helped pay for these items once already. I will have to sell some stuff to get the funds to buy this out since clearly I do not have 2.2 mil on hand at the moment. I am at work, I will be home around 4 and I will figure something out.