Hey all. Going to try this auction another way. I will break up my 2 keeps into 2 auctions. Keep A and Keep B. The only other houses in the nook are a large tower and SST owned by my brother who barely plays. There is a possibility that his houses drop and come up for sale in the future but in all likelihood it will stay on refresh duty. There is room for a small house in front of Keep A and a large smithy sized house next to Keep B. I currently have houses placed there and the buyers are welcome to buy them off me for deed price or else I will just pull them when auctions are done. I am looking for gold or HC @3k per(No More than 25% of total cost) The properties have not been fully cleared out. You are welcome to anything left over. There is a massive statue accumulation on roof of Keep A you are welcome to keep, sell or cash in for plat. There are also chests of weaps(force-vanq), some slayers(nothing major unless I missed one, entirely possible), armor, mats, and other assorted items. The property is located South East of Yew Moongate. And South of Shadowlord HQ. Here are some pics of the properties. They come as is. Keep A: SB 12 Mil BO: 20 Mil Keep B: SB: 11 Mil BO:20 Mil Thank yo for your interest in these great properties. Standard 48/24 hr rules apply. @Playy @Virdan Current Bids: Keep A: SOLD Keep B: None